Resto Shaman remain the prime utility healer, but Priests WoW Classic TBC Class Picking Guide. The AddOn provides a lot functions to customize it to your tastes and adds a lot of. Healing Spells for the Soul, Stress, Energy, & Aura. WIM (WoW Instant Messenger) is a World of Warcraft addon which brings an instant messenger feel to communication in game. However, I vaguely remember the debuff/cc portion being wonky, so I didn’t actually get to set up one of those bars. Dot durations are not visible/available in classic wow without an extra addon. If you are looking for CLASSIC WoW (beta 1.13.6) addons, THIS is the page with those addons. Displays based on auras, health, power (mana, rage, soul shards, holy power, etc. Weak Auras 2 Classic does work, I tested it in the stress test.

Progress bars and textures that show the exact duration of auras.Custom textures including all textures from Power Auras and Blizzard's spell alerts.An intuitive and powerful configuration interface.And now WeakAuras is available for World of Warcraft Classic! WoW addon for 1.12.1 debuff timers on the default target frame Behaves as it would in WoW 2.4.3 or 3.3.5. For many more useful addons, check out my Vanilla World of Warcraft Addon Guide or World of Warcraft: Classic Addon Guide. This makes it much easier to maximize your damage with any Damage Over Time spell, for instance. This addon was created to be a lightweight replacement for Power Auras but has since introduced more functionalities while remaining efficient and easy to use. DebuffTimers is a helpful addon for Vanilla World of Warcraft that adds a visual countdown for debuffs applied to an enemy. This upcoming weekend we will launch our WoW Classic, WOTLK and TBC addons sites for our community to enjoy and share addons on. WeakAuras is a powerful and flexible framework that allows the display of highly customizable graphics on World of Warcraft's user interface to indicate buffs, debuffs, and other relevant information.